Tevet Stickers!

Posted by The ShtarkShirts Project Blog on

To kick off the Hebrew month of Tevet subscribers of D'veykus – The Jewish Sticker Club received five stickers of original Jewish art. 


Electronic Jerusalem Zach Mayer

Electronic Jerusalem Commemorative Sticker (Rare Holo-Chrome) – 

In collaboration with Boston based musician and recording artist Zach Mayer this iridescent sticker commemorates the release of Electronic Jerusalem. The track features sound-bytes from Mayer's time living in Jerusalem. From Holy Land songbirds singing to the evocative words of High Holiday prayers Mayer expertly leads his audience through an ecstatic journey that he says should really "make their tuchases shake!"

The perfect track for your next ecstatic dance party – Listen Here.



Torah Heart Love Sticker

Torah Love – A riff off of the classic American Typewriter I <3 NYC design, this sticker emphasizes the place kept in our heart for our beloved Torah. One contemporary interpretation of the verse in Devarim 11:18 that we must "impress these words upon our heart." 

Asher Yatzar Prayer

Asher Yatzar Poop Emoji – The famous poop emoji is elevated as a reminder that we ought to bless up 🙌 to God after exercising our miraculous bodily faculties to excrete that which we no longer need. Don't forget to say the Asher Yatzar Prayer.  


Shtark Shirts Kiddush Club Psalm 23

Shtarky's Kiddush Club –

A message from Shtarky's Kiddush Club. An overflowing cup of wine recalls Psalm 23 praising God for providing us with an increasing amount of abundance. 

Say No to Loshn Hora Sticker

Say No to Loshn Hora – 

Negative thoughts and judgements about others surround us all the time, yet we need not allow these harmful thoughts to affect us or our friends by speaking them out loud. Think before you speak! Loshn Hora or "Speaking Evil" about our friends affects all of us. This sticker should remind to think before you speak!

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