Cheshvan 5785
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D'veykus 5785 -
A whole new year of sticker fun commences! "D'veykus or "clinging" to Hashem is a Hasidic principle that encourages Jews to find connection to God in everything they do. It also shares a linguistic connection to the modern Hebrew word for "Sticker!"
Mizrach -
Jews traditionally direct their prayers towards Jerusalem, and, in absence of a direct bearing, face East or "Mizrach." Jewish artists have long created ornate pieces that center the words "Mizrach," which one would hang in their home on the Eastern wall. This sticker should be used similarly.
Cheshvan Scorpio -
The "Mazal" or sign for Cheshvan is Scorpio or "Akrav." This sticker outlines the star structure in the sky for this month.
Keyn Eyin Hora - No Evil Eye -
This sticker serves to ward off the bad spirits!

Times aren’t always easy, sometimes things are tough. This sticker plays with the common slang response “tough,” and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.