Marcheshvan 5784

Posted by The ShtarkShirts Project Blog on

Members of D'veykus - The Jewish Sticker Club received six stickers at the beginning of Marcheshvan. Here is a a short description of the meaning and inspiration behind each: 


Zay Freylach Glitter Sticker (x3) - 

Zay Freylach Be Happy Yiddish Sticker

This fun pink smiley face with glitter background exudes happy Jewish vibes! The Yiddish words "Zay Freylach" or "Be Happy" recall that it's a mitzvah to serve God joyfully as is written "Ivdu et Hashem b'simcha" (Psalms 100:2).

SHTARK Clothing Co. Logo Sticker - 

Shtark Clothing Co. Logo Sticker Jewish Clothing

This new logo design exhibits the various meanings of the Yiddish word "Shtark" or "Strong." The plain meaning of the word accords to something that is physically strong, yet in religious Jewish communities is also in reference to things that are religiously inspiring. The bold typeface connotes the literal meaning of the word, while the yellow halo floating above the "A" denotes the religious valence of it as well. The transliterated word also carries over the pasach alef diphthong which features as a line underscoring the "A."

Kol Hatorah Kula (The Entire Torah) on One Foot Sticker - 

 Hillel the Elder - Torah on One Foot

In a famous story told in the Talmud (Shabbat 31a) a gentile wanting to convert to Judaism comes to the sage Shammai and stipulates that he will only convert if he could learn the whole Torah while standing on one foot. Shammai, insulted by the ridiculous request, kicks the gentile out of his house. The gentile then goes to Hillel the Elder and makes the same request. Hillel responded: "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow – that is the whole torah, the rest is commentary. Now go and study!" 

This sticker references this tradition and serves as a reminder that Torah observance is ultimately about increasing peace and love between human beings. 

Midrash is Lit Sticker – 

Midrash is Lit, Torah on fire logo

Midrash is Lit! The stories and interpretive traditions of our ancestors contain some fiery ideas that we ought to approach with a measure of respect. Stoke the flames of Torah and Midrash study. 

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