D'VEYKUS 5784 – The Jewish Sticker Club

Adar א Stickers

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Adar א Stickers

Members of D'veykus – The Jewish Sticker Club received these stickers in the mail for Adar I.  Kosher Clothing – Written in the Ashkenazi script commonly used for writing a Torah scroll, this square sticker announces the presence of "Kosher Kleyder" (Yiddish) or "Kosher Clothing" (English). Smooth Vibez – Also written in the Ashkenazi script for writing a Torah, this square sticker has the words "Glatt Vibes" written on it. The crossover between the Yiddish "Glatt" and American slang word "Vibes" perfectly captures the Shtark! intention: to seamlessly blend Jewish-American lifestyles.    The Shtark Galaxy –  This sticker with "Shtark Shirts" written...

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Shevat Stickers!

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Shevat Stickers!

Claim Your Free Tu Bishvat Coloring Book HERE! Members of Dveykus – The Jewish Sticker Club received five stickers for the month of Shevat. Each sticker represents a tree-fruit related to the holiday of Tu Bishvat. Alongside the fruit is their name according to R' Hayim Vital in the Pri Etz Hadar. Each of the fruits is also related to one of their corresponding spiritual world as follows:  World of Asiyah – Hard Outer Shell & Soft Inside: Acorn Pomegranate World of Yetzira – Soft Outside & Hard Inside: Persimmon World of Beriah/Close to Atzilut – Soft Outside & Soft...

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Tevet Stickers!

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Tevet Stickers!

To kick off the Hebrew month of Tevet subscribers of D'veykus – The Jewish Sticker Club received five stickers of original Jewish art.    Electronic Jerusalem Commemorative Sticker (Rare Holo-Chrome) –  In collaboration with Boston based musician and recording artist Zach Mayer this iridescent sticker commemorates the release of Electronic Jerusalem. The track features sound-bytes from Mayer's time living in Jerusalem. From Holy Land songbirds singing to the evocative words of High Holiday prayers Mayer expertly leads his audience through an ecstatic journey that he says should really "make their tuchases shake!" The perfect track for your next ecstatic dance party – Listen Here....

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Kislev! Jewish Stickers & Hannukkah

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Kislev! Jewish Stickers & Hannukkah

Members of D'veykus - The Jewish Sticker Club received five stickers for the month of Kislev. Here is a a short description of the meaning and inspiration behind each:  The Pach Shemen or "Oil Container" (rare glitter) – One of the primary folk traditions associated with the Hannukkah holiday relates that when the Hasmoneans rededicated the temple, there was only a single container of oil pure enough that it was fit for lighting the holy menorah. This sticker recalls that great miracle! The Hannukkiah – Loaded with eight candles and the shamash (middle helper candle), the Hannukkiah is the traditional ritual object with which we commemorate...

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Marcheshvan 5784

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Marcheshvan 5784

Members of D'veykus - The Jewish Sticker Club received six stickers at the beginning of Marcheshvan. Here is a a short description of the meaning and inspiration behind each:    Zay Freylach Glitter Sticker (x3) -  This fun pink smiley face with glitter background exudes happy Jewish vibes! The Yiddish words "Zay Freylach" or "Be Happy" recall that it's a mitzvah to serve God joyfully as is written "Ivdu et Hashem b'simcha" (Psalms 100:2). SHTARK Clothing Co. Logo Sticker -  This new logo design exhibits the various meanings of the Yiddish word "Shtark" or "Strong." The plain meaning of the word...

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