Pri Etz Hadar Sticker Pack 🍇🌳

  • $10.00
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Celebrate Tu Bishvat!

with a colorful sticker pack inspired by the fruits of Ari HaKodesh’s Pri Etz Hadar! Each sticker features one of the sacred tree fruits—grapes, apricots, coconuts, acorns, carobs, olives, apples, persimmons, figs, and pomegranates— a segula for traversing the spiritual worlds of Assiyah, Yetzira, Beriyah, and Atzilus. 

Perfect for water bottles, notebooks, or your Gemara cover, these stickers bring a touch of Torah, nature, and mysticism wherever you go. 🌿✨

L'chaim to the trees—because the fruits of Torah are always in season! 🍏📜

Read more about the Pri Etz Hadar and the roots of the Tu Bishvat Seder here.